Ever since you started sprouting hair on areas like your back and shoulders, you've probably have wondered how you could keep it under control. You may have even have taped a razor on a stick or experimented with some other contraption like that. The ManGroomer makes managing that funky hair that's hard to reach quite easy. It's long enough and angles so you can get to those spots that you can't get to ordinarily. You need to be looking to invest in this and enjoy the glow of knowing you've tamed that shrubbery that's been growing gon your back!
Appearance and Design:
The product is light and made out of plastic but don't let that fool you. You will thank the makers if you have a lot of back hair. The thing is, this unit gets really long and can reach just about anywhere. You can almost touch your butt when holding it over your shoulder and extended all the way. Pretty cool because it is small when shut and then when you want to use it opens up to almost 2 feet long! That is the best for people who are totally inflexible and tall, because now you'll be able to reach everywhere on your back and shave it totally smooth without straining. That is the key. It's efficient and built very sturdy; plus it's compact and easy to use for traveling.
The blade is awesome and even when used to shave chest, and does a great job! The blade is really sweet too with its wide blade so it doesn't take long to do your whole back at all. Additionally, the blade is perfect because it doesn't cause any ingrown hairs which can be a nightmare if you know what I mean.
Battery:Just pop a couple AA batteries in it and you're ready to go.
Tips when using a "ManGroomer":
The directions provided say to shave against the way the hair is growing, against the "grain" of the hair. Most of your back hair grows down, so that means shaving "up" by extending the arm on the product and pulling it slowly up your back. However, that is not the only direction that your back hair grows. Anyone who has tried this product now knows the several directions that long-ignored back hair can grow. So keep that in mind and use a mirror.
Next, don't get hung up on the red splotches that you will see (in the mirror) on your back when you first start using this. They go away real fast. Your back is just not used to coming into contact with something this sharp. Also, it is not dangerously sharp, just irritating sharp at first.
Furthermore, once you get the feel of it, I recommend NOT looking into the mirror, but use this in the same manner as you would use a back-scrubber washing your back. Simply visualize it on your back and use long "up" strokes. Doing it by "feel" will help keep the cutting edge flush against your skin to get a cleaner cut and avoid the red marks that you make when the cutting edge is slanted against your skin.
A note on using a mirror, using a hand mirror and the bathroom (or other fixed) mirror is the only way to get started. Keep in mind however, that everything goes backwards in the 2-mirror arrangement. If you try to adjust the cutter by looking in the mirror/s as you turn it, you'll likely end up twisting it more the wrong way. Hence the advice is to use it like a back brush, don't always be looking in the mirror.
Finally, be ready for the challenge of doing the side of your back that is the same as the hand you favor - right-handed guys will have a much easier time getting to the left side of their backs, and vice versa. Although with patience and practice, I believe you can do both sides well.
It is best to check out your back in the mirror every few weeks or so to keep the forest down. One of the reasons people get frustrated with this product is that the first time they use it, it is with long-ignored hair, that is well... long. Regular use will not only give you practice, but you'll be trimming much smaller shrubs.
This is a handy gadget that will, over time, become part of your routine. It is not perfect, but it is lightweight, cuts well when flush against the surface of your skin and more manageable than an electric shaver (or razor - gasp!) taped to a broom handle. It is easy and only takes about 2-3 minutes to do everything.
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